Mikecast Fan Archive

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Welcome to the Experience!

The Mikecast Experience was a two-person live production created by Mike Kroon and Westy Chow. Airing almost every week for its entire 11-year runtime, the Mikecast Experience featured Mike and Westy playing an assortment of video games, the most noteworthy ones being niche visual novels (or "dating sims"). The stream drew energy from its live audience, which interacted via live text chat, Twitter, and Discord.

The recordings presented here originally appeared on websites including Livestream, Justin.tv, Twitch, Hitbox, Smashcast, and Mixer. The stream was also accessible from mikecast.tv/experience, which this website's theme was designed to replicate.

This fan archive is entirely unofficial, hosted by a volunteer who wants to preserve the stream experience. It's dedicated to past fans and future generations who want to see a piece of early-21st-century internet culture.


Missing archives:

The archive is missing large chunks of streams. Notably, there were two major events which led to lost footage:

These mistakes are regrettable, especially since the stream had plenty of resoruces (including viewer funding) to properly handle recordings by the end of its run. In fact, learning about the later losses, which were entirely avoidable and were a product of poor communication combined with laziness or uncaring on the hosts' part, nearly killed the motivation to put this website together.

However, it's important to remember the context that the majority of the stream wasn't intended to be watched on-demand at all, and was an experience viewers needed to show up to every week. Nothing can be done now except enjoying the remaining recordings and letting this be a lesson about the fleeting nature of the internet and the importance of backing up media one cares about.

If you have any recordings to contribute to the archive, please contact us.